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Friday, May 4, 2018

Top 5 Self Confidence Books

Top 5 Self Confidence Books:
1. The Power of Self–Confidence: Become Unstoppable, Irresistible, and Unafraid in Every Area of Your Life
2. The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem
3. The Law of Success: In Sixteen Lessons
4. How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing with People
5. The 6 Most Important Decisions You’ll Ever Make: A Guide for Teens

Signs That You Have Low Self-Confidence:

Do you ever feel that you are stuck in the middle of the water and even after trying hard you are not getting close to where you want to go? Do you feel that your goals and dreams aren’t coming together and you are not sure where and why you are missing the mark? Do you feel that even after trying so hard and giving your best still you are not getting the result as you are expecting? Do you ever feel that why your personal and professional life isn’t working the way you wanted? Do you ever catch yourself thinking that what’s wrong with me? Or am I not good enough or am I not smart enough? If you ever catch yourself thinking this way, then it is very clear that you have low self-confidence; you are good enough but your low self-esteem gives you a negative signal about yourself. You are smart enough but your low confidence makes you doubt yourself.
Many times we use weak body language. Such as crossing your arms, not smiling and always looking down even when we are speaking to someone. This kind of body language gives a negative signal to opposite person and shows that you are not confident. If you ever find yourself getting nervous or finding yourself hesitating to speak up in groups then this shows that you have low self-confidence. There are several behaviors of yours which can show that you have low self-esteem or self- doubt such as you don’t trust your own decision and fail to take action or you speak in low voice or ends your sentence with question or while talking you sound very nervous and low or confuse this happens because you don’t have much knowledge about particular thing or you are not sure about certain topic or decision. Hence if you want to avoid such lack of self-confidence then involve yourself in learning, gain knowledge this self-improvement will give you more confidence.

Body Language Gestures That You Have Low Self-Confidence:

Do you ever face a situation where you try to communicate to other people in confidence but still somehow other people come to know about your low self-esteem? This happens because we think that confidence is all about good communication. We feel that high self-esteem is all about talking with confidence but we fail to understand that only 7 percent of the message is conveyed through words, and 93 percent of the message is conveyed through non-verbal communication which includes your tone, your gesture posture body language your facial expression. Confidence is not only about words but it’s also about your body language, self-esteem is more about your non-verbal communication. Hence you should not only try to be confident with your words but you should be confident by your body language.

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