The power of Habit — Summary
This book takes us to the thrilling edge of scientific
discoveries that explain why habits exist and how they can be changed.
Habits are
“auto-pilot” routines that save effort (energy)
you ever have to consciously think how to ride a bike or brush your teeth? No?
That’s because you built a habit out of those activities.
brains constantly look for ways to save energy. One way to do this
is to turn activities into habits. Complicated acts which demand concentration
at first, become effortless habits eventually.
shows that about 40% of our daily activities are based
on habitsinstead of conscious decisions.
The three
general parts of habits
An external cue, for example your alarm
clock, creates an overall spike in your brain activity as your brain decides
which habit is appropriate for the situation.
Once the best routine (if available) is
decided, the brain switches to “autopilot mode” until you finished your
routine, for example brushing your teeth.
Finally comes the reward, your brain
activity increases once more as it registers the completion of the routine and
you get the reward of feeling good. In this case a minty-fresh sensation in
your mouth. Also, the link between the cue and the routine gets reinforced.
and maintaining habits happen in the part of the brain called basalganglia,
a part of the brain which even works if the rest of the brain is damaged.
That’s why habits are incredible resilient.
Habits stick
because they create craving
studies have shown that once they become used to a cue-routine-reward habit,
their brains begin anticipating the reward even
before they get it. Denying them the reward once they anticipated it makes
them frustrated and mopey. Sounds familiar? That’s
how most of us react when we try to get rid of bad habits, like consuming a lot
of sugar.
cravings work for good habits as well. Research shows that people who exercise
habitually crave something from the exercises, it could be the endorphin rush,
the sense of accomplishment or a plethora of other things.
and advertisers understand and utilize cravings from habits. One example is the
rewarding tingling sensation that toothpastes create.
Change habits
by substituting the routines
smokers trying to quit will probably know, it’s hard to ignore cravings for
nicotine. The trick is to still respond to the cue (craving) but with another
routine (something other than smoking).
The golden rule of changing habits is
keeping the same cues and rewards, but changing
the routine.
Anonymous (AA) and other big habit changing organizations use this principle
with great success.
ask the participants to make a list of the cravings they have from drinking.
Often it is not drinking itself but other factors like relaxation, socialisations and companionship what
they want. AA then provides new and less harmful routines to replace the old
intoxication routine.
general this principle works well but relapses happen, in particular a
stressful situation can trigger a relapse. For example, if a recovering
alcoholic gets the news that his mother has cancer.
Belief is the
differentiating component between relapses and sticking to the
new routines
found that belief is a crucial factor in overcoming bad habits. Spirituality
and God feature prominently in AA philosophy, but it is not the religious
factor itself that helps people.
need to believe that change is possible for themselves,
and spirituality or religion can provide it to them.
Changing a
keystone habit, can trigger other positive habits as well
habits are more important than others, those are the so called keystone habits.
Adhering to them can create positive effects in other areas as well.
reason keystone habits work is that they provide easily attainable
success in a small area. That success causes belief that
change is possible in other areas as well, causing a cascade of positive
Willpower — the
most important keystone habit
A famous study from Stanford
University showed that four-year-olds with more willpower went on to do much
better in life than their less determined peers.
suggested that willpower is
a keystone habit which can be applied to other
areas of life, and that it is in fact a skill which can
be learned.
is also like a muscle, we can only use so much willpower before it
gets exhausted. That explains why willpower can be so inconsistent, some days
we just don’t want to leave the sofa.
the muscle analogy also shows how we can train our willpower
in order to strengthen it. By doing that our willpower muscle
gets more endurance so to say.
preparation for certain situations can also help make
willpower more enduring.
studies show that lack of autonomy affects adversely willpower.
People who do something by choice have more willpower endurance than if they
follow orders.
Companies take
advantage of habits
use data analysis to track customers. They have become so good at it that they
can often tell if a girl is pregnant even before her family knows it.
order to prevent people getting upset about being spied on, they learned to
target them in a less obvious way. Instead of directly sending baby coupons to
the address of the customer, they buried it among unrelated offers, giving the
impression that it is just another untargeted ad.
can take advantage of habits by embedding a new song between two popular songs,
rising the likelihood that the new song will become popular too.
How to fix
bad habits
we become conscious of a bad habit, it is our responsibility to
change it. So the first step is acknowledging that we have a
bad habit.
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